Health Care Providers

Ed’s House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre offers 24/7 end-of-life care to individuals and their loved ones, at no cost, in our 10-bed residence located just north of Cobourg.

To make a referral as the primary care provider, please download and complete our Bed Referral Form and fax it to 289-252-8875, along with supporting documentation.  If you are unable to follow your patient to Ed’s House, we can link them with a palliative physician in our community.

We encourage early referral to our Palliative Care Community Team (PCCT) following a diagnosis of a life limiting illness for clinical navigation, supportive care and anticipatory grief support.

Our general admission criteria for hospice residence:

  • Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) of 30% or less, OR prognosis of 3 weeks or less
  • Established plan of care with no further investigations or resuscitation planned
  • Identified Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) or signed Power of Attorney (POA)
  • Care can safely be managed at hospice
  • Client does not require negative pressure isolation
  • Client does not require a secure unit or physical restraints
  • Client acknowledges that implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) needs to be turned off, if applicable
  • Most Responsible Provider (MRP) has submitted a completed Palliative Order Set
  • Priority is given to clients residing and/or those with family living in Northumberland County

Admissions are reviewed Monday-Sunday from 0830 to 1600 by our Clinical Manager or On-Call RN.  They can be reached directly at  905-866-8792. 

We are happy to arrange tours prior to admission, and transportation to our facility.

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